In the pipeline:
3. EA Beever, A Smith, D Wright, T Rickman, J Stewart, FD Gerraty, A Gill, K Klinger, M Robinson. Expanding climate-induced barriers: impassable gaps interior to distribution of an isolated mountain-dwelling species. (In Press at Ecosphere).
2. FD Gerraty. The Fucus flow: wide intertidal zones amplify rockweed wrack subsidies to shoreline invertebrates. (In Review).
1. M Westover, EA Beever, AB Smith, P Billman, FD Gerraty, FA Smith. Contrasting predictions from trailing-edge range dynamics and the theory of island biogeography: climate drives patterns. (In Review).
*student mentee
*student mentee
8. FD Gerraty, S Grimes, S Pemberton, S Allen, S Codde. Coyotes hunt harbor seal pups on the California Coast. Ecology, 106(2): e70031. [PDF]
7. B Rooney et al. [including FD Gerraty]. SNAPSHOT USA 2019-2023: The first five years of data from a coordinated camera trap survey of the United States. Global Ecology and Biogeography, 34: e13941. [PDF]
6. AA Ellis et al. [including FD Gerraty]. Coalition-building for labor actions in life sciences departments: lessons from the largest academic strike in history. BioScience, biae123. [PDF]
5. EA Beever, M Westover, AB Smith, FD Gerraty, P Billman, FA Smith. Combining past and contemporary species occurrences with ordinal species distribution modeling to investigate responses to climate change. Ecography, e07382. [PDF]
4. FD Gerraty, A Gobei-Bacaylan*, K Diel*. Urbanization alters sandy beach scavenging assemblages and dogs suppress ecosystem function. Ecosphere, 15(10):e70016. [PDF]
3. FD Gerraty, T Carroll, S Williams*, M Isadore. Recovering predators link aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems: River otters subsidize coyotes with carrion. Ecology and Evolution, 14, e11444. [PDF]
2. EA Beever et al. [including FD Gerraty]. Geographic and taxonomic variation in adaptive capacity among montane small mammals: implications for conservation status and actions. Biological Conservation, 282, 109942. [PDF]
1. FD Gerraty. The carrion connection: Marine mammal carcasses subsidize terrestrial insectivores. Food Webs, 35,e00278. [PDF]
- FD Gerraty, A Gobei-Bacaylan*, K Diel*. (2024) fgerraty/Urban_Scavengers: Urbanization alters sandy beach scavenging assemblages and dogs suppress ecosystem function (v1.0.0). Zenodo. [Github]